Don't have Smartsupp account yet? Sign up for free in just 2 minutes. Smartsupp chat box is available in 30 languages and we also...
API is only available in PRO and Ultimate packages. If you are using Smartsupp on different websites and you need the chat box to be in different...
It is understandable that sometimes you have to arrange something important or just take a small break, so you cannot be online 24/7. Online chat...
You can add chat box to your mobile app using the Chat page link. You can find it in the Settings > Channels > Chat page...
After you successfully install Smartsupp chat on your website, the first thing that you would probably want to do is to set up the appearance...
Why to use the Contact form? To always be able to reply to a customer’s message, we recommend using the Contact form in which the customers...
Chat hidden in settings Make sure, that you don’t have the chat box hidden while offline(1), or completely hidden(2) in the Settings > Chat box...
Is your goal to better engage your audience via chat box and increase your overall conversion rate? Do you want to simplify the process of...