Learn how to manage your conversations, and keep them organized.

Export to 3rd party system

Send a copy of all live chat conversations to your server.

This feature is available only in the PRO package.

How it works

Copy of all finished chat conversations, missed conversations and offline messages is sent in JSON format in real-time to a URL of your choice. You can then process all Smartsupp conversations on your server and export it to a 3rd party system of your choice (CRM, help desk, etc.).

Activate POST hook

Send an email to where you specify your custom URL. On our end we will set sending all chat conversations to that URL.

Handle requests

See below how to handle JSON request using PHP script.

PHP Script

$data = file_get_contents('php://input');

// store data

file_put_contents('data.json', $data);

// or parse and process

$json = json_decode($data);

JSON request


"accountId": 208,

"beginAt": 1427470439703,

"endAt": 1427470476687,

"channel": {

"id": 55039,

"isChat": true,

"isMissed": false,

"isTriggered": true,

"isOffline": false,

"isCompleted": true,

"isDropped": false,

"duration": 36,

"avgResponse": 14,

"firstResponse": 14,

"messagesCount": 5,

"wordsCount": 11,

"rating": 5,

"ratingDesc": ""



"id": 27671,

"name": "Dusan Kmet",

"email": "",

"note": "VIP customer",

"group": null,

"ipAddress": "",

"city": "Czech Republic",

"countryCode": "CZ",

"country": "Brno",

"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.89 Safari/537.36",

"platform": "MacIntel",

"referer": "",

"variables": {

"chatId":{ "label":"Chat ID", "value":208 },

"chatPackage":{ "label":"Chat Package", "value":"pro" },

"userId":{ "label":"User ID", "value":"1234" }




"url": "",

"title": "POST Hook · Smartsupp"

}, {

"url": "",

"title": "API · Smartsupp"



"type": "visitor",

"from": "visitor:mxTiqn9adr2h39kmzAJ0FeaTGFJhmjio0R41491503012015",

"content": "Hello",

"sentAt": 1427470439703,

"triggeredBy": null

}, {

"type": "system",

"name": "John Doe",

"from": "agent:3",

"content": "agent.join",

"sentAt": 1427470446219,

"triggeredBy": null

}, {

"type": "agent",

"name": "",

"from": "system",

"content": "This is triggered message",

"sentAt": 1427470449706,

"triggeredBy": "Test Trigger"

}, {

"type": "agent",

"name": "John Doe",

"from": "agent:3",

"content": "Hi, how can i help you ?",

"sentAt": 1427470453772,

"triggeredBy": null

}, {

"type": "visitor",

"name": "Dusan Kmet",

"from": "visitor:mxTiqn9adr2h39kmzAJ0FeaTGFJhmjio0R41491503012015",

"content": "tanks.",

"sentAt": 1427470473124,

"triggeredBy": null

}, {

"type": "system",

"name": "Dusan Kmet",

"from": "system",

"content": "close.visitorClose",

"sentAt": 1427470476687,

"triggeredBy": null



Request values

Browse available request values.

name type description
accountId int Account id
beginAt int Timestamp of conversation start
endAt int Timestamp of conversation end
channel object Channel info int Id of channel
channel.isChat boolean True if visitor and agent send message
channel.isMissed boolean True if the agent doesn't respond to the last visitor's message
channel.isTriggered boolean True if the chat has at least one trigger message
channel.isOffline boolean True chat was offline chat (visitor sends offline message)
channel.isCompleted boolean True chat was closed and the visitor has responded to the agent on every message.
channel.isDropped boolean True chat was dropped.
channel.duration int Num of seconds.
channel.avgResponse int Num of seconds.
channel.firstResponse int Num of seconds.
channel.messagesCount int Num of messages in the chat.
channel.wordsCount int Num of words in chat.
channel.rating int Chat rating (null if the visitor doesn't send rating).
channel.ratingDesc string Chat rating comment (null if the visitor doesn't send rating).
visitor object Visitor info
paths object[] List of paths
messages object[] List of messages
Still confused? Contact us via the chat box in your dashboard and we’ll be happy to get in touch with you. Please note that customer service is included only in paid packages.

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