Would it be beneficial to gather additional information about your contacts to enhance your conversion rate? Through the utilization of Contact properties, this becomes attainable, ensuring that all essential business-related information is encompassed within your contact data. This tutorial will bring you more information about this feature.
Note: This feature is available in Standard package. If you want to use it in Leadgen chatbot it is available in PRO and Ultimate package only.
How to set up contact properties ?
You can set up the contact properties the following way: Go to Settings → Contact Properties → Add contact property

You can watch the video below to see it in the detail:

How it works in your contacts?
Once you set up the contact properties you can use them in your Contact section. Just add them to the particular contact detail and fill in the necessary information according to your contact property. After that all the details can be found in the Contact information section or it is possible to see the overview in your CSV export of contacts.

See the video how to add Contact property to your contact below

Tip: You can collect data such as company size, industry, and role from your leads in order to send them relevant content or proposals.
Please note: It is not possible to create a property called name, email, phone, and question. These elements are already used in Smartsupp for storing the visitor's name, email, etc., so they cannot be used for properties anymore.
How to set up Contact properties in Leadgen chatbot?
Info: This feature is available only in the PRO package.
Leadgen chatbot can help you to collect the lead contacts effortlessly, you can find out more in this tutorial. In case you need to customize your questions to reach more details about the visitors, the contact properties can be used in your leadgen chatbot also. From now you can define the contact properties and use them as questions in your Leadgen chatbot.
How to make this work? Just click on the Leadgen field → Conversation → Add field → Other data (question) → choose the property you want to ask or create a new one from scratch → create a corresponding question for the property → Save → Publish

You can watch the following video to know hot to set up the contact properties for your Leadgen chatbot:

Note: How to create the questions related to contact properties? For exemple if your contact property stands for “Number of employees” the question will be “How many employees do you have?”
How contact properties work in Leadgen chatbot?
After you set up everything in your Leadgen chatbot builder and you publish the chatbot, the visitors will see the following in your chat box :

Following this step, you will receive the email notification about a new lead on your website, then the lead can be found in your contact section. Here you can use the acquired information according to your needs, you can export it, send to CRM or whatever else.
Please note in case you don't have an email or open conversation for a visitor, there is no possibility to assign contact properties to it.