Would you like to personalize your account or change email address? Are you an agent and you need to add your profile photo, so customers know who they are talking with?
Where to find Profile settings?
You can easily find Profile settings in your dashboard.
Click on gear symbol on the left sidebar and then choose "Profile".

Another option is to click on your profile picture. When white table will show up you can choose "Profile".

What options can I find in Profile settings?
In Profile settings you can change your profile photo and name (1.). You can change email address (2.) for notifications and update your password (3). This feature lets you decide in which language (4.) you'll use dashboard as well as if you'll get news (6.) about Smartsupp. Let you visitors know you better by inserting your position in the company or you live motto (5.).

How to change profile photo?
To change your profile photo simply click on it in your “Profile” and upload photo or picture from your computer. You can adjust the size by zooming in or zooming out.
How to change my email address?
Type in frame your new email address and confirm it by clicking on “Save” button at the bottom of the page.
How to change my password?

In case you would like to change password, after you click on linked words “Change Password” you will have to insert current password and create a new one. Don't forget to save it.
Where to find the link to the chat page?
If you want to link a person directly to your chat, for example, from an email or a mobile application, you can use the link to the chat page. You can find the link by following these simple steps:
Go to Settings (1) in your dashboard >> navigate to the Integrations (2) section >> find the Chat page option and click on Manage (4)

You will see the link to your chat page, which you can copy and use whenever you want to link someone directly to your chat:

You can also easily check the chat page preview by clicking on the SmartHub home icon (1) >> Open Chat Page (2):

How to change dashboard language?
Do you want to change language in your dashboard? Check the article below ↓
How to change the language of the dashboard (interface, backend)?